Life on a Public Toilet
Dangerous Bacteria

The following are five pathogenic bacteria families found most frequently on the toilet seats of public restrooms; the percentage of seats they were found on and the possible diseases resulting from exposure:
1. Micrococacceae - 97% - Boils/Pimples, Pus infections
2. Coryneform - 81% Diphtheria, Hepatitis
3. Streptococcaceae - 39% - Epidemic sore throat, Bronchial pneumonia
4. Pseudomonadaceae - 22% - Urinary tract infections, Blood poisoning
5. Enterobacteriaceae - 19% - Kidney infections, Typhoid/Paratyphoid fever, Salmonella, Shigellosis

In addition, Trichomanas Ptotozoa, which causes an infection of the lower genital area can be carried in a drop of urine and, if deposited on a toilet seat, will survive for up to 45 minutes.


Studies on the transmission of the Herpes virus conducted by Dr. Trudy Larson and Dr. Yvonne Bryson at the U.C.L.A. School of Medicine, determined that a secretion from an open Herpes sore on the thigh or buttocks of a toilet seat user can be spread onto a toilet seat and survive up to four hours. The next toilet user could contract the virus through a break in the skin, which comes in contact with the seat.

The following are other pertinent facts on the presence of the Herpes virus in the American population:

* 20 million Americans have incurable genital Herpes.
* The Herpes virus, resulting in cold sores, infects 90% of humans.
* 1 in 10 Americans have Herpes.